IN THE BEGINNING WAS THE CLIT makes the clitoris the main character in a humorous examination of its medical, cultural and artistic history. As a character, CLIT guides us through the fictional narrative of this short film, which is realized as a puppet film and in 2D animation. CLIT is constantly searching for herself and for ways to shape her own clistory.
... work in progress
a short film by Bettina Hohorst & Alex Gerbaulet
produced by Caroline Kirberg
Animation Mayan Printz
Sound Design Katharina Pelosi
Bildgestaltung Jenny Lou Ziegel
Farbkonzept Mirko Winkel
Herstellungsleitung Saehee Hwang
Friederike Alphei, Wiebke Alphei
Frieder Miller, Nathalie Wendt
funded by
Medienboard Berlin Brandenburg
Stiftung maecenia für Frauen in Wissenschaft und Kunst
film/video female artists program of the Berlin Senate
Contact klit@pong-berlin.de
Instagram klit_oris_